San Cristóbal de La Laguna
- Bienes Muebles. Escultura -

Stone cross built in 1560 in commemoration of the victory of the Castilian troops over the aborigines of the north of the island.

Six years after its construction, it was placed in what is now the Plaza de San Crist bal, to later move in the vicinity of its current position.

Destroyed by a gale, it was rebuilt in 1697, and later moved in 1951 in front of the gardens of the central campus of the University of La Laguna.

In 2007 he suffered a repair due to a vandalism that destroyed both arms of the cross.

According to Leocadio Machado in his book On the banks of La Laguna, of the entire collection of crosses, which La Laguna showed, the most representative, the one that challenged time and remained a true watch of the city, was the Stone Cross, born humiliadero, there by the XVI century, marking the old road, also of stone, that always united the city with Santa Cruz.

They say that the Stone Cross has also served for so many centuries to rekindle the memory of the last and final battle that confronts Guanches and Spaniards, in one of the last bloody chapters of the conquest of the island.

However, Leocadio Machado preferred her to simply cross, compa was inseparable from his ancestors, mother of all the crosses of the city where he was born, which are many and varied. And he preferred it, of hard and eternal stone, as if he were willing to face that eternity, with the same will to survive so many stones that justify the spirit ...

Cruz de Piedra (1560)

MACHADO, LEOCADIO: On the banks of La Laguna.Excmo.City Hall of San Crist bal de La Laguna. 1998.

Cruz de Piedra (1560)

Cross made with basalt (millstone), from the Pedro Álvarez quarry, with an octagonal section, grayish color and microgranular texture. It sits on a four-story circular base of red tuff with a porphyritic texture.

Cruz de Piedra (1560)

A or 1697.- Reconstruction in stone of the original cross destroyed by a storm.

A or 1959.-Recomposition of the arms of the cross with the original material.

A. 2007.-Replacement of the original interior structure with a reinforced prosthesis with a steel bar and reconstruction of the damage suffered by a vandalism. Surface cleaning.

Cruz de Piedra (1560)
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