San Cristóbal de La Laguna
- Arquitectura Religiosa. Conventos -

Founded in 1547 by nuns from Baeza and San Lucar de Barrameda, it is dependent on the Franciscan order as the first female convent.

The idea of creating a monastery of nuns in the lagoon arises since 1524 at the initiative of the Cabildo, at the same time that D.Alonso Fern ndez de Lugo, Commander of the Order of Christ (son of the conqueror D.Bartolom Benitez) leaves in his will Two thousand gold doubles for the foundation of the feminine convent. The construction of the convent ends in 1578 but a fire in 1697 destroys most of the convent, with the exception of the dependencies of Water Street ( today Nava and Grim n ), being rebuilt by the alarming Diego de Miranda.

During the seventeenth century it was one of the richest convents in the city, housing 150 nuns

The church of the convent was open to worship in 1700, its historical and architectural background can be found in the section of related Cultural Property.

The convent factory in its current configuration dates back to the 18th century. It has two large courtyards following the typical typology of the monastic cloisters in the Canary Islands, with upper wooden galleries supported by right feet supported on footings. In addition there is a third open, narrow and rear space that follows the same characteristics as the previous ones.

Adjacent to Anchieta Street was El Beaterio, a set of private cells used by professed religious.

Outside the Ajimez stands out or Mudejar taste viewpoint dating from 1717 located in the ski ...

MUNICIPALITY San Crist bal de La Laguna

ZONE District1- Historic Center

ADDRESS Calle Nava y Grim n, 15

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