San Cristóbal de La Laguna
- Arquitectura Civil y Doméstica. Anterior al S.XX -

The so-called Casa de Los Jesuitas, current headquarters of the Royal Economic Society of Friends of the Country of Tenerife, was built by the Company of Jesus in 1733 by Father G mez, who after overcoming a great series of vicissitudes, He manages to begin the work, culminating these in 1737. The Jesuits move, since the works of the chambers and the oratory have been completed, inhabiting the building until 1767, date in which they are expelled from the Islands by Carlos III.

In 1792 he began to accept teaching uses and in 1817 the newly founded University of San Fernando was installed, combining uses until the transfer of the university in the mid-twentieth century to the building of the Central Campus.

ESCRIBANO GARRIDO, J. The Jesuits and the Canary Islands.


CIORANESU.A : Gu a Hist Rico and Monumental de La Laguna.

ALEM N DE ARMAS.A : Guide to La Laguna.

MART N RODR GUEZ.FERNANDO GABRIEL : Canary Island Architecture


Historical Archive of La Laguna

Library of the Royal Economic Society of Friends of the Country.

Archive of the University of La Laguna.

Canrias Library. Central Library of the Guajara Campus of the ULL.

The plant is configured in an L-shape around an inner courtyard and along the streets of San Agust and Tabares de Cala, with a cover that features a central shield and ball finials, very similar to the Jesuit house of the palms. In the lower part of the building, there is an important library formed by a collection of the archives of Marqu s Alonso Nava and Grim n from the 17th century and a collection of manuscripts and Canarian documents by historian Jos Rodr guez Moure.

The most valuable part of the construction lies in the façade, the wooden staircase that connected the ground floor with the high one and the canter cover that gave access to the oratory.

Facade Description

The cover of the building, which is still preserved, is from canter to blue and topped with a curved split front: Jambas and Lintel are highlighted at their inner edges with the composite molding. On the front wall, an arched molding, starting from the cornice, runs parallel to the curved edges of the front, and the height of the break ends in a triangular plume topped by a ball on a small pedestal.

In the avenerado space there is a shield in the center counted by the shell. Below the shield and at its sides, plant ornaments. The ends of the front n are decorated with balls on a pedestal in the vertical with the jambs. The entrance door is a double-leaf bearing, which frames another two smaller ones.

The inner courtyard has been completely modified, although in the lower part there is an arch ...

In 1792, a Royal Decree of Carlos IV dated March 11 orders the creation, in the then capital of the island of Tenerife, of the first Literary University of the Canarian Lake Archipelago. However, the hectic political situation that took place since 1793 prevented its effective establishment. Once the Bourbon dynasty was restored, Ferdinand VII takes up the old Canarian aspiration to have a superior center in the islands and, trying to settle the inter-island rivalries about its location, in 1816 dictates a new Royal Decree by which it is resolved to establish in the city of San Crist bal de La Laguna a University with the same privileges, exemptions and prerogatives that the rest of these Kingdoms enjoy, and that said University be called and called the University of San Fernando. For this, the college house of the Company of Jesus of La Laguna became the first headquarters of the Literary University of San Fernando, which opened its doors as an academic institution on January 12, 1817.

But soon the building turned out to be insufficient for the progressive increase of students, so in December 1821 the partial transfer of the University to the Convent of San Agust begins, where the students live with the religious community, until finally in 1837 , the entire Convent is destined for university activity, after the confiscation of Mendiz bal, which meant the forced exclaustration of the religious of the Order.

In this way, the Jesuit College House is used to house the sector hall, the hall ...

Casa de los Jesuitas (Real Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País de Tenerife)
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Casa de los Jesuitas (Real Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País de Tenerife) Calle San Agustin - Cat:Calles