San Cristóbal de La Laguna
- Arquitectura en el Medio Rural. Haciendas -

The Casa de los Carta is a large country house owned by the Guerra landowners (name by which the valley is known) that was purchased by 180 reais by the captain Mat as Rodr guez Carta on February 14, 1726 a Lope Fern ndez de la Guerra. The house was completely remodeled, as indicated in its testament dated 1742: 'la we have planted and rebuilt at our expense for being all lost, ruined and backward and we have also done the works of houses, cistern, winery and cellar , and everything else in it is found in what we have spent many real '. A couple of years later, in 1747, the remodeling of the captain's son, Mat as Bernardo, continued with the Albailian teachers Jacinto Hern ndez Perera and Juan P rez Izquierdo and the carpenters Francisco Meli n de Olivera and Antonio P rez Chac n, receiving a total of 12248 reais. After various extensions given throughout the years, in 1976 it was finally acquired by the Cabildo de Tenerife, beginning restoration and conditioning works to turn this hacienda into the current ethnographic museum of Tenerife since 1987, with exhibitions related to the popular culture and folklore isle oy declared of cultural interest three years before.

To speak of Don Rodr Guez Carta (1675-1743) is to speak of regular commerce in the 18th century between the archipelago and the Americas, and thanks to this business I managed to amass great fortune. Natural de la Palma and betrothed with ...

STORED WALL . Wall that runs through the entire farm, near it and providing more packaging to the facade. The main access is marked with a double battlement and a cross, made of stone of canter and whitewashed. It is, according to students like Mar Mar Isabel Isabelro Segura and Alvaro Santana Acu a, are joined by one of the few crenellated walls that are still standing in the lagoon district, so its importance is even more remarkable. Around the entire crenellated wall, benches favor the descent of the knights of their mounts. Behind the main door there is a landscaped space that serves as an interlude before crossing the arched halfway point, also in stone of canter at this time of precious red tuff.

THE PATIO . With a quadrangular floor plan and paved with chasneras slabs, it is a key element in all Canarian domestic architecture, serving as the main artery between the different rooms as well as a useful tool to regulate the environment of the house, air nodal and acclimatize efficiently. Three of the sides of the courtyard are surrounded by open galleries, whose ceilings are secured by right feet with a classic shoe, also typical of the Canarian architecture. The rooms are arranged, as already said, around the patio, but not randomly. The dominant in this land, the trade wind, with NE direction, protects and ventilates the rooms according to needs (example: situation of the kitchen in SO direction). In addition, all the doors open in the south direction, and this is pa ...

Valleguerra has been and is mainly linked to agriculture: banana cultivation, flower greenhouses, potatoes and vegetables, mostly.

In addition, being a coastal town, the fishing tradition cannot be lacking. If we look at the area of La Barranquilla, we can appreciate how this tradition is still alive with its boats and its fishermen.

Most of the population is dedicated to other sectors, so very few valleros continue to work in agricultural work as before.

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Croquis puerta 2
Croquis de la Portada
Croquis puerta 1