San Cristóbal de La Laguna
- Arquitectura Civil y Doméstica. Anterior al S.XX -

La Laguna, throughout the nineteenth century, ten

Casa de Torre Hermosa

ALFONSO SORIANO AND BEN TEZ DE LUGO , Houses and families lagoons. The lineages and palaces of Nava-Grim and Salazar de Fr as.Excmo City Hall of San Crist bal de La Laguna- Caja Canarias, Social and Cultural Work. 2007

LEOCADIO MACHADO , On the banks of La Laguna. The City Council of La Laguna. 1998

ADRIAN ALEM N DE ARMAS , Guide of La Laguna, Cabildo de Tenerife. Culture area. 2002

FERNANDO GABRIEL MARTIN RODR GUEZ, Canary Island Architecture. 1978

Casa de Torre Hermosa

MUNICIPALITY San Crist bal de La Laguna

ZONE District1- Historic Center

ADDRESS Calle Obispo Rey Redondo, 55

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Fachada a la calle Obispo Rey Redondo
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Casa de Torre Hermosa Calle Obispo Rey Redondo - Cat:Calles