San Cristóbal de La Laguna
- Arquitectura Civil y Doméstica. Anterior al S.XX -

There are no exact data on the date of completion of the primitive construction of La Alh ndiga, but it is recognized that it was one of the first buildings in the town of Tejina, probably built at the beginning of the 17th century. On March 5, 1662, one of the manifestations of the identity of the people of Tejina was formed, the constitution of a place or institution destined to maintain grain collection, providing it under medical conditions during times of shortage and out for food as for sowing.

The loan was constituted with the name of Arca de la Misericordia being formed at the initiative of numerous neighbors and with the collaboration of the priest, being its fund of 150 busted, paying the interest at the rate of almudia and half by busting, being the benefits destined to the improvement of the parochial temple. Two years later, in 1664 the barn in which these grains were stored was already built, this being the first date in which reference is made to the house of La Alh ndiga. The purpose was governed by articles that constitute an excellent manifestation of the intense communal conscience that the neighbors had. The loan had two centuries of life, being the last account that appears in the books of minutes of November 21, 1873.

Another highly significant value of La Alh ndiga is that it was the seat of the City Council of Tejina from its constitution in 1813 until its dissolution and annexation to the City Council of La Laguna in 1850. The memory of what one day meant for the town of Tejina ...


GONZ LEZ HENRIQUEZ, Jos V: Local Measures of the Canary Islands. Newsletter of the Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation, N 136, Sta. Cruz de Tenerife, 1975.

BESNIER ROMERO, L,: Agricultural Measures and Weights, Publications of the Ministry of Agriculture, Madrid 1964.

The house of La Alh ndiga conserves some materials from the primitive construction, dated to the middle of the 17th century. Specifically, the cover of pairs and braces to four waters that covers what was the almac nop sito, conserving even the tiles from that time. Another element that has remained since its construction is the masonry perimeter wall, which even preserves primitive lime mortars on some sides, although these have been repaired on numerous occasions with cement mortars, being subsequently painted white.

Covers of pairs and braces to four waters.

The wood (braces, squares and pairs) as well as the tiles are conserved almost in their totality and with their primitive materials, being the most affected element the crawls on which the tiles support, which in some cases have been replaced by new ones This roof is a clear example of traditional Canarian architecture, which can be seen today, in a more than acceptable state. Next to this main deck, there is a cover attached to it, of a single creak and a water, following the scheme of the main one, although preserved in worse condition, probably because the materials that were used were of worse quality, since This part was intended for the deposit of grains in their origins.

Exterior Walls

The exterior walls are made of masonry, about 5 m high by 0.60 m wide, kept in good condition, being the most important element of death ...

Casa de La Alhóndiga (Tejina)

The farm where the Alh ndiga is located has a mixed municipal cataloging:

a) .- Structural Protection : high ethnographic value and high patrimonial interest that obliges to preserve all its characteristics.

b) .- Environmental protection : Architectural value and high patrimonial interest that forces to preserve the facade and the first creak.

Casa de La Alhóndiga (Tejina)

The building is a building that initially had two floors, as seen in its historical origins, the superior being the one used as the seat of the City Council, and accessed from outside by a staircase that disappeared over the years. In the same way, the floor of the upper floor, which divides both floors, was lost for unknown reasons, leaving only the recessed remains of the beams that join the two facing walls, and that serve as support for the fabric of the floor made of wood. These remains of beams are visible even on the outside of the facade.

On the side of the house you can see the primitive division into two floors, leaving remnants of the access door to the top, but not keeping the exterior staircase or the framework that supports the wooden floor of the top floor.

Casa de La Alhóndiga (Tejina)
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Plano Catastral
Detalles arquitectónicos de la cubierta a cuatro aguas de pares y tirantes del edificio principal de La Alhóndiga.
Plano de Tejina de 1834

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