San Cristóbal de La Laguna
- Arquitectura Civil y Doméstica. Anterior al S.XX -

The house of the Van Damme family, was built at the end of the 17th century by Captain Alonso Van Damme, perpetual ruler of Tenerife, mayor of the main castle of Santa Cruz in 1681 and head of his surname's house in Flanders, former marshals of Brabant

SORIANO Y BENITEZ DE LUGO, ALFONSO : Laguneras houses and families. The lineages and palaces of Nava-Grimon and Salazar de Frias. La Laguna City Council. Councilor for Culture 2007.

GASPARINI, GRAZIANO : The architecture of the Canary Islands 1420-1788. Armitano Editors

RODR GUEZ YANES, JOS MIGUEL : La Laguna during the old regime, from its foundation until the end of the 17th century. La Laguna City Hall. 1997.

NAVARRO SEGURA, MAR A ISABEL : Lagoon 1500: The city-republic, an utop to insulate according to the laws of Plat n. La Laguna City Council 1999.


The Van Damme House is one of the few Renaissance copies preserved in the city.

Its canter cover stands out on the extreme simplicity of the rest of the facade that had a balcony from which only its stone base remains. The family shield appears at the top.

It shows a simple asymmetrical masonry façade in which three sash windows are distinguished at the top and a small window at the bottom, as well as a garage entrance of subsequent construction that according to the regulations of the Special Protection Plan It must be removed.

Constructively it is an architecture that stands out for its long canvases of lime stone that contrasts with the cover of the stonework and its carpenter.

Its typology is framed in the tree house typical of the royal streets and a sign of the importance of its inhabitants.

It has a large plot and emblazoned facade of stone volcanic stone to the main street and dependencies for stables and barns on the facade.

the activities of its inhabitants, as aldermen, motivated the successive transformations of the primitive building.

MUNICIPALITY San Crist bal de La Laguna

ZONE District1- Historic Center

ADDRESS N Anchieta Street, 21

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