San Cristóbal de La Laguna
- Arquitectura Civil y Doméstica. Anterior al S.XX -

Commissioned to be built by D. Antonio Riquel de Angulo (1721-1801), he underwent a renovation of his facade in 1940 by the then owner D. Gabriel Colombo Garc a

The exterior aspect of the facade of the Casa Riquel that overlooks Calle Obispo Rey Redondo (former Carrera) transports us to the 18th century.

On the two floors of the building stands out above all the front in red canter that frames the main door and the central window of the upper floor, topped by a winding front n.

The work in red tuff is also distributed by the wall and the margins of the building, contrasting with the white color of the paint used.

Another interesting aspect is the decorative design of the tuff blocks that frame the door and the window; in him the carving of the stone in diamond tip has been used, that confers a greater relief to him.

On the window was the family shield made of marble, which contrasts with the reddish color of the frame.

The other facade that is located in Tabares de Cala street presents the attached dependencies of the Casa Riquel. Its main body continues in the zalo and the red tuff margins of part of the building of this street. This side of the house has a height higher than the rest.

Therefore, we see two different conceptions in the use of construction materials: to highlight the most important part of the house, the stone is used as a decorative element; however, for the secondary facade of Tabares de Cala, more common materials are used.

This building, having not undergone major modifications in the last centuries, is considered a peak example of eighteenth-century architecture.

SORIANO AND BEN TEZ DE LUGO, Alfonso: Laguneras Houses and Families. Producciones Gr ficas SL 2007

MUNICIPALITY San Crist bal de La Laguna

ZONE District1- Historic Center

ADDRESS Calle Obispo Rey Redondo, 15

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