San Cristóbal de La Laguna
- Arquitectura Civil y Doméstica. Anterior al S.XX -

The house that also receives the name of Casa Salazar Ora, owes its name to the Canarian painter Crist bal Hernndez de Quintana (1651-1725) who inhabited it between 1692 and 1725.

On the façade that opens onto Barcelona Street, there is in 1700 a green-painted cross and next to it a bank of run stone where the passengers passing through the place rested. Later in the first third of the eighteenth century, the Quintana brothers, priests and owners who lived in the house, built a chapel that is known as "The Green Cross", of a spurious nature, covering the cross inside a silver plate already adding four paintings by the painter Crist bal Hern ndez de Quintana.

Casa Quintana

RODRIGUEZ MOURE, J .: Guide of the lagoon. Institute of Canary studies. 1935

VARIOUS AUTHORS: Guide of the historic center of San Crist Bal de La Laguna. CICOP International Center for Heritage Conservation. 1996

CIORANESCU, A.: La Laguna, Historical-Monumental Historical Guide. Santa Cruz of Tenerife. 1963

Casa Quintana

The main facade of the house, due to its modifications presents very few features of the primitive construction, although it retains the distribution of the gaps, highlighting the access door to the house, located in a lateral body attached to it.

From the constructive point of view, the sliding window, an element imported from England, whose leaves slide laterally through two slats and whose purpose is to close the openings of the granaries located on the last floor, is striking.

Casa Quintana

MUNICIPALITY San Crist bal de La Laguna

ZONE District1- Historic Center

ADDRESS Calle Herradores, 1

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Casa Quintana Capilla de la Cruz Verde (La Laguna) - Cat:Capillas