San Cristóbal de La Laguna
- Arquitectura Civil y Doméstica. Anterior al S.XX -


City Hall of San Crist bal de La Laguna (Councilor for Delegate of Tourism and Dissemination of Historical Heritage)

Management Office of the Historic Complex of La Laguna. History area.

Foundation International Center for the Conservation of Heritage CICOP.


GERM N DE ARMAS, Adri n: Guide of La Laguna, Cabildo de Tenerife, 2002

SORIANO Y BENITEZ DE LUGO, Alfonso: Laguneras Houses and Families. The Lineages and Palaces of Nava-Grim and Salazar de Fr as.

C. MARQUES AND A.MARTIN: Architecture Guide of La Laguna (Network of Historic Centers of the Canary Islands). CICOP Foundation

Casa Peraza de Ayala

It is made up of two juxtaposed modules, the major as exteriorization of the dwelling and the minor as the enclosure of the chapel. The first is a rectangle, if you don't have the oblique line of the sidewalk, with a slight slope. The horizontal marks a general characteristic. Another feature to highlight is the vertical axis symmetry, which passes through the middle of the main door and the balcony. Likewise, the alignment of window and window axes, both of the vertical and horizontal lines, must be reviewed. They close the symmetry, reinforcement ndola, the two stone masons and the cover body that forms a trapeze. The elevation of the chapel is a rectangle of vertical arrangement and with axial symmetry of the same sign. To this the body of the sword is attached, which consists of the extension of the corner machin, rising above the maximum point of the ridge, which, in a way, breaks the symmetrical scheme, is raised by arrangement, in vertical alignment of the cover and the ass.

Casa Peraza de Ayala
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