San Cristóbal de La Laguna
- Arquitectura Civil y Doméstica. Anterior al S.XX -

Located on Nava and Grim n Street, also known as Calle del Agua, this house was built on a previous one by Fernando de la Guerra y Hoyo, Marqu s de San Andr s, who lived between 1734 and 1799.

The last direct descendants were Mar a de los Remedios Trujillo and Montemayor (1860-1890), married to Don Fernando de Ora and C logan, being the children of these who sell the house, going from 1927 to be used as a Normal School of Teachers, until the fifties of the twentieth century that happens to be a tobacco factory, carrying out great transformations in its interior.

Nowadays, in the 21st century, it was rehabilitated for use as a hotel without opening up to date.

SAN CRIST BAL DE LA LAGUNA. 5 Centuries of History: Delegation of Historical and Artistic Heritage of the Hon. City Hall of San Crist bal de La Laguna 1992.

SORIANO AND BEN TEZ DE LUGO, Alfonso: Laguneras House and Families. The Lineages and Palaces of Nava-grim ny Salazar de Frias. La Laguna City Council- Cajacanarias. 2007

Casa Guerra
It is a two-storey building, with a blue-stone cover, like the low tops of the balconies and niches on the second floor. This work can also be seen in the wall that runs through the entire façade in its lowest part. It presents a symmetrical arrangement of all the elements that define the facade. U201D

On the facade the balance of the openings stands out, and among these those made on the second floor since they have a pronounced wooden molding and iron balconies. In addition, on the same facade stands a central niche occupied in its day by some religious image.

Casa Guerra

MUNICIPALITY San Crist bal de La Laguna

ZONE District1- Historic Center

ADDRESS Calle Nava y Grim n, 16

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Ficha PEP
Dibujo de Ana Maria Lorenzo Pérez
Ubicación (Grafcan)

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