San Cristóbal de La Laguna
- Arquitectura Civil y Doméstica. Anterior al S.XX -

In the old street of Los Mesones, today of Herradores, is the House that belonged to Cludio Bigot, born French Rouen and emigrated to the Islands. By his will, written on April 16, 1655, we know that in this building he had a haberdashery shop.

The house according to Claudio Bigot's own declaration was built in a winery belonging to his mother-in-law D a. Violante Ram rez, whose house was facing Calle de la Carrera (today of Bishop P rez C ceres) and overlooked that of the Mesones through the aforementioned winery. The building was just built in 1654, according to an inscription on the facade that literally says:

"1654 Claudio Bigot natural of the city of Rouen"

The seventeenth-century property is a characteristic sample of the domestic architecture of the time, being one of the first buildings where the third floor with barn begins to appear.

In 1907 the artistic photography of Enrique valos was installed in the building, known to be married in La Laguna, establishing himself in the city for a few years.

Casa Bigot

CIORANESCU, A: La Laguna, Historical-Monumental Historical Guide. 1963

ALEM N DE ARMAS, A: Guide of La Laguna. HE City Hall of San Crist bal de La Laguna. 1986

MART N RODR GUEZ, F: Canary Island Architecture. Santa Cruz de Tenerife 1978.

RODR GUEZ MOURE, J: Historical guide of La Laguna La Laguna 1935.

DE LE N SERRA, A: Study and Logo of the Balconies of the Historic District of San Crist Bal de La Laguna.EUAT (ULL) 2010.

CASANOVA, Guillermina: The History of Photography in La Laguna (1857-1936).

Casa Bigot

The house consists of three floors, where the last one was destined for a barn. This is exteriorized by a wooden balcony on double dogs with wooden balusters with shingle roof supported by pilasters.

The balcony sill presents crafted rhombuses decorated with geometric motifs. Over these, the turned balusters are distributed evenly, nine for each span.

( Probably the roof of the balcony was the extension of the primitive roof, which when this is replaced by the new flat roof is presented under the eaves of the sill)

Everything on the facade is new except, except for the balcony that has undergone itself transformations over time.

The holes in the facade are distributed symmetrically with respect to the main door framed in gray stonework.

Casa Bigot

MUNICIPALITY San Crist bal de La Laguna

ZONE District1- Historic Center

ADDRESS Calle Herradores, 60

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Casa Bigot Calle Herradores - Cat:Calles