San Cristóbal de La Laguna
- Arquitectura Religiosa. Capillas -

It is located in what was formerly the entrance to the city of La Laguna, in which it crosses the blacksmith streets and Barcelon, next to the Plaza de San Crist Bal, also known as La Milagrosa.

It is one of the most popular chapels, tracing its devotion to the era of Francisco de Quintana. Tradition tells us that the lifeless body of a man appeared on a bench near the site of the future chapel; tradition turned into a legend that explains that he had attended a love date and the lady maternal order. The event, that in that little alarm to the community, led the Quintamna brothers, priests and owners of the house next door, to build the chapel with an atoning character, endowing it with all kinds of ornaments, and covering the cross with silver plates embossed

It is considered one of the great crosses of clad wood, in this case not only with embossed silver but also openwork, dating to the eighteenth century.

Capilla de la Cruz Verde (La Laguna)

Externally it is a small terraced chapel, with a single door in a semicircular arch, supported by pilasters topped by simple capitals. For a long time it was abandoned, until in 1994 it was restored by the Delegation of Cultural and Historical Heritage of the City of La Laguna, leaving on the facade exposed stone sectors. The construction is covered with a tile eave with a four-water roof and a diamond-tipped finish. On the outer wall of the house, where the chapel rests, there was in 1700 a green-painted cross, hence his name, and at his foot a bench made of peidra where the walkers on foot or on horseback made their way from Santa Cruz inland from the island.

According to tradition, four canvases by Crist bal Hern ndez de Quintamna hung inside, now in the Sacristy of the Church of Santo Domingo. These paintings are that of Saint Pius praying for the triumph of Lepanto, Saint Jerome, Saint Michael Arc Angel and Saint John the Baptist.

Capilla de la Cruz Verde (La Laguna)
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Capilla de la Cruz Verde (La Laguna) Casa Quintana - Cat:Anterior al S.XX
Sin Imágen Ruta de las Capillas - Cat:Urbanas