San Cristóbal de La Laguna
- Arquitectura Religiosa. Capillas -

The elevation of the chapel is a rectangle of vertical arrangement and with axial symmetry of the same sign.To this the sword body is attached, which consists of the extension of a corner machin, rising above the point of maximum ridge, which, in a way, breaks the symmetrical scheme, was raised by the vertical alignment of the cover and the ass.

Ass Description

It constitutes a singular piece in the composition of the facade. In the one highlights an eight-pointed starry polygon, made with wooden metopes that frame some colored glass mines. Between this piece and the arch of the cover there is a small plate of basic stone with an engraved title that indicates the date of the term of the work.

CIORANESCU, Alejandro: La Laguna, Gu a Hist rica and Monumental 1965. Page 133.

RODR GUEZ MOURE, Jos: Guide to History of La Laguna 1935. Page 188.

MARTIN GARC A, Aurora - MARQU S BARCEL, Carlos Architecture Guide of La Laguna 1496-2005. International Center for Heritage Conservation (CICOP). 2006.

GARCIA RAMOS AND FERN NDEZ DEL CASTILLO, F - ALONSO L PEZ, JM - LORENZO P REZ, AM - MELIAN MELIAN, JA - MONZ N PE ATE, FA: Traditional Architecture Drawn. Cabildo of Tenerife. Ministry of Culture. 1994

Capilla de La Trinidad

MUNICIPALITY San Crist bal de La Laguna

ZONE District1- Historic Center

ADDRESS N Avenida de la Trinidad, 6

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Delimitación Área de Protección (Pepri)
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Sin Imágen Ruta de las Capillas - Cat:Urbanas