San Cristóbal de La Laguna
- Arquitectura Religiosa. Capillas -

It has its origin in a simple street cross and at the will of several neighbors. It was founded in 1758 by Diego Hern ndez de Villavicencio, a neighbor of La Laguna and who belonged to the guild of farmers. After the death of its promoter it suffered a great deterioration, until in 1841 the family of Don Jos Rodr guez Moure restores it and puts it to the cult, knowing from that date with the denomination "Chapel of Moure" by the connection to the same from that family.

Capilla Rodriguez Moure (La laguna)

BOARD OF BROTHERHOODS AND COFRADIAS OF SAN CRIST BAL DE LA LAGUNA: Victoria tu reign s. The Cross in iconography and in the history of La Laguna. 2007

Capilla Rodriguez Moure (La laguna)

Born in La Laguna on January 29, 1855. Bachelor of Civil and Canon Law from the University of Seville in 1876, he served as a lawyer in his hometown, but soon he was inclined to the priesthood and received orders in 1878, naming him subdiac no of the Parish of Our Lady of La Concepci n, where he has been presbyter since 1879.

During his life as a priest, he held other positions: Attorney General of the Diocese, Delegate of Chaplains, and Butler of Our Lady of La Concepcion, beginning almost all the works carried out at the beginning of the 20th century in the aforementioned church. It is important his contribution to the historical and artistic knowledge of the temples of La Laguna, especially La Concepci n, about which he wrote a history of the parish. In addition, his position as master of ceremonies at La Catedral linked him closely to religious art, which helped to increase his knowledge.

(You can expand this biography by consulting the entire text of the cat logo edited by the City Council of La Laguna on the church of La Concepci. See Bibliography a and Sources)

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Sin Imágen Ruta de las Capillas - Cat:Urbanas