San Cristóbal de La Laguna
- Espacios Urbanos. Calles -

Text by Carlos Garc a in Las Ant guas streets of La Laguna

It is one of the oldest streets in La Laguna that went from the houses of Fern ndez de Lugo in the Plaza de Abajo ( today Plaza del Adelantado ), to the convent of San Miguel de Las Victorias.

It was known as Main Street , or also as a street that goes to San Francisco , then changing its name to the street of the water channels , or simply Water Street , for running through it the channels that brought the water from the neighboring mountains for public consumption until reaching the Plaza del Adelantado where there is a battery for public water supply. It is also collected for the same designation as Calle de Guerra , for this family, the Marquises of San Andr s, in it.

Modernly, he is named after Nava and Grim n (current name), in honor of the VI Marquis of Villanueva del Prado Alonso de Nava Grim n (1756-1832), creator of the Botanical Garden of the Valley de la Orotava, President of the Supreme Board of the Canary Islands in 1808), whose palace house opens the street. whose corner, at its beginning, is the palace that was the residence of the same known as Palacio de Nava.

Other street identifications are those referred to some of its limits, such as when written in certain documents, the Plaza de San Miguel to Calle Real, no doubt in reference to it v.

- It transcends the physical limits of its layout by including two squares ...

Calle de Nava y Grimón

GARCIA, Carlos: The Old Streets of La Laguna. Its nomenclature from the 16th century until our d. Center of Canarian Popular Culture. 1994

GERM N DE ARMAS, Adri n: La Laguna. Traditional housing and the problems of urban space organization. La Laguna, 1975.

ALEM N, Gilberto: The alley n. Critical lagoons. Cabildo de Tenerife, 1985.

CIORANESCU, Alejandro: La Laguna. Gu a historical and monumental. La Laguna, 1965.

MORENO FUENTES, Francisca: Tazm a of the island of Tenerife in 1552. Yearbook of Athletic Studies. Num. 25. Madrid. Las Palmas, 1979.

RODR GUEZ MOURE, Jos: Gu la historica de La Laguna. Institute of Canary Studies. La Laguna, 1935.

RODR GUEZ YANES, Jos Miguel , LA LAGUNA: 500 A OS DE HISTORY, HE. City Hall of San Crist bal de la Laguna, 1995;

NAVARRO SEGURA, Mar to Isabel , LA LAGUNA 1500: THE CITY-REP BLICA, HE. City Hall of San Crist bal de la Laguna, 1999


Calle de Nava y Grimón
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