San Cristóbal de La Laguna
- Espacios Urbanos. Calles -

This street is located at the end of Nava y Grimón street (old Agua street) and where the disappeared Hospital de San Sebastián was located, which today occupies the Nursing Home, and is the one that passes in front of the current Plaza del Cristo .

Before, it was called Calle de Las Cruces , because the chapels of the Cross are located there, which open their doors every year on May 3 to pay homage to the Holy Cross.

Calle Quintín Benito

GARCIA, Carlos: " The Old Streets of La Laguna". Its nomenclature from the 16th century to the present day.Centro de la Cultura Popular Canaria.1994

GERMAN OF WEAPONS, Adrián: The Lagoon. Traditional housing and problems of organization of urban space. The Lagoon, 1975.

GERMAN, Gilberto: The alley. Laguna Chronicles. Council of Tenerife, 1985.

CIORANESCU, Alejandro: The Lagoon. Historical and monumental guide. The Lagoon, 1965.

MEDINA, Domingo : What the eyes do not see in the streets and squares of La Laguna. Notebook 24 CICOP for dissemination of Cultural Heritage. 2021

MORENO FUENTES, Francisca: T azmía of the island of Tenerife in 1552. Yearbook of Atlantic Studies. No.25. Madrid. Las Palmas, 1979.

RODRÍGUEZ MOURE, José: Historical Guide to La Laguna. Institute of Canarian Studies. The Lagoon, 1935.

Calle Quintín Benito

Don Quintín Benito y Benito was professor and director of the General and Technical Institute of the Canary Islands. Professor of Arithmetic and Algebra. He was councilor and deputy mayor of the municipality of La Laguna. Also Provincial Deputy.

On April 5, 1921, a year after his death by popular initiative and considered as "benefactor of the students and the proletariat" the plenary of the Hon. The City Council of San Cristóbal de La Laguna, held on April 20, 1921, unanimously agreed to nominate the old Las Cruces street as Quintín Benito.

It was also pronounced favorably so that, within the acts of the program of the festivities of the Christ of 1921, a plaque be placed on the facade of the house where he lived and died, in what is known as Casa Román, in reference to its first owner the Colonel Gabriel Román Manrique de Lara, today headquarters of the National University of Distance Education (UNED

Calle Quintín Benito
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