In the square of Dr. Olivera ends the known as the second road in importance of the entire city and that is the street of the Blacksmiths, (also General Franco). Before it also bore the names of Calle de los Mesones and Calle de los Malteses, which undoubtedly comes to define the settlement of the various labor unions that existed along the way. In 1552 two innkeepers lived in it, so it began to be called as. To this day it has remained its best known name reminiscent of the artisans of iron, coal and the forge: the blacksmiths. It was also known as Rojas Street, especially in the sector where the scribe Alonso Cabrera de Rojas lived in 1592. Or also Calle de Lu s Mndez, public scribe, for identical reasons. Along this street, all the traffic of carts and vehicles of all kinds went to the North of the Island. Through it, the tram, which from the Plaza de España to Santa Cruz, reached the station of Tacoronte. From its origins to the present it has been an important commercial axis. This is confirmed by Adri n German in his Guide to La Laguna when he states: In the Plaza del Doctor Olivera, at the beginning of the twentieth century, when the tram is in operation, an important transfer of goods must take place. The station located there allows the arrival of peasant products from Tacoronte. It was probably already a place of commercial interest before the streetcar. The Concepci n zone and the Villa de Arriba live the commercial bustle and feed on the money left by the t ...