San Cristóbal de La Laguna
- Patrimonio Inmaterial. Fiestas y Tradiciones -

The Auto de los Reyes Magos de Tejina, which represents the episode of the Adoration of the Magi, is considered one of the most valuable dramatic pieces of the Christmas theater or the Canary Islands. Although at the moment the beginning has not been specified, if there is evidence that it has been represented continuously since the beginning of the 20th century, according to the Canarian Newsletter of 1905, where it is reported that on the night of January 5 it sinks the choir of the Church of San Bartolom de Tejina, due to the high attendance of neighbors who witnessed the function.

Over the years this tradition, of religious or liturgical origin, has evolved, taking on a more and more popular look, being at present a peculiar combination of religious and profane elements, although they have been respected texts during all these years. In the specific case of Tejina there is the longest and most complete copy of the Canary Islands. Two versions are available, both have been represented: the longest, consists of 805 verses in which a consonant rhyme predominates and the short one of 258. Currently, the act that is represented arises from the merger between the two versions in which long pieces have been suppressed and a scene like the one that takes place in Herod's palace, becoming loose verses without rhyme. The staging of the flight to Egypt has also increased, setting up a total of 410 verses.

FERNANDEZ, Jos M. (1949). A popular car of the Magi. Journal of Popular Dialectology and Traditions, V: 551-595

GALV N TUDELA, A. (1947). Canarian folk festivals. Santa Cruz of Tenerife. Interinsular / Canary Islands.

Auto Sacramental de los Reyes Magos de Tejina

CICOP Prize for Conservation and Restoration of Intangible Heritage.CANARIAS 2008.

TO THE PEOPLE OF TEJINA OF SAN CRIST BAL DE LA LAGUNA IN THE ISLAND OF TENERIFE '. For his outstanding work and trajectory in the cultural manifestation known as u201 Sacramental Self of the Magi ' for his defense and preservation of the intangible values of the Canarian people through his art, his traditions and for the conservation of his most universal historical legacy.

The Awards were presented in the city of Granada in solemn institutional act on October 22, 2009 at the Royal Hospital, presiding over the event by the Rector of the University of Granada, Mayor of Granada, President of the CICOP Foundation, Vice-Ministry of Culture of Government of the Canary Islands, Minister of Culture of the Diputaci n de Granada and Director of the Culture Department of the Cabildo de Tenerife.

Auto Sacramental de los Reyes Magos de Tejina

According to the research carried out in his study on the Car of the Magi of Tejina by Aleth Gonz lez Cair and J. Alberto Galv n Tudela, more and more diverse opinions about the origin of the Car are confirmed, opinions that if analyzed carefully we would observe that the contradiction between them is only apparent, since they are not antagonistic.

It is therefore possible that everything that is said is true. Surely a copy of the Auto de los Reyes Magos arrived in Tejina at the beginning of the 20th century from La Palma; it is not impossible that some emigrant upon returning from Cuba brought some verses from pastors; and it is also possible that, a priest took a copy of the text that was represented in Tejina to La Palma, different from the one originally brought from La Palma. On the other hand, it is not ruled out that the versions of Fuerteventura have influenced the Tejina version directly or through the palm version. The absolutely indisputable thing is, in the first place, that all the versions we know (Tenerife, La Palma and El Hierro) belong to the same original work, whose origin is unknown, and, secondly, that the Tejina version is the original focus of the Tenerife versions.

Auto Sacramental de los Reyes Magos de Tejina
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