San Cristóbal de La Laguna
- Arquitectura Religiosa. Capillas -

The origin of these religious buildings dates back to the 18th and early 19th centuries. The majority is linked to the cult of the Holy Cross that began to take root in the city centuries before with the arrival of the conquerors. Hence the denomination of Chapels of Crosses . Others, however, served as a particular oratory for the owners of significant properties, such as the chapels of "La trinidad and La Cruz Verde", belonging to the Peraza de Ayala and Salazar Oraa Houses respectively.

The nature of these chapels is urban and some guilds in the city promoted their construction to house the devout cross of their brotherhoods; This is the case of the "Chapel of Cruz de Los Plateros and Cruz de Los Herreros". Other examples that are preserved are the Rodriguez Moure Chapel of the Cross and the San Francisco Cross Chapel.

You can access each of these architectural typologies through related Cultural Property or related Tokens.

A.-Conjunto de Capillas de Cruces de La Laguna
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