San Cristóbal de La Laguna
- Bienes Muebles. Decoración, Mobiliario y Enseres -

Fifth station of the V to Crucis, ' Christ with the cross in tow is helped by the Cireneo '.

At the feast of the cross, the owner of this house 'Angelico R os ' was responsible for decorating the cross of its facade, which the neighbors called ' the cross of the burrillo '.

The cross n 5 was several decades gone. In 2007 he was able to recover thanks to the educational action of the Camino la Villa School. The current figure in number 60 of the street, while the original was in No. 56. The cross is new (contributed by Heritage) but the stone base is the original, which has been guarded by the Ferrero family.

A05.- Cruz Viacrucis (Quinta Estación)
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