- Etnografia y Patrimonio Industrial. Etnografía -

This old large chimney built with ceramic brick and without any use today, was used for the expulsion of smoke from the boilers that generated the electricity necessary for the proper functioning of the tramway.

The chimney of this old station tells us about the existence of an industrial heritage of the past and offers us the vision of a missing construction team, of a complex architectural technique, of particular materials and of common purposes. He speaks of the past and present and he does it with his own language, which today is known as industrial archeologist.

The missing tram station on the Cuesta was deprecated in 1924 when the tram installations are connected to the UNELCO network, the standing chimney standing without any tangible use is part of the current public square.

This chimney has been rooted in such a way among the citizens that are close to it that they have used it as 'icono ' in a multitude of associations, rich folk groups, even by the San Hermenegildo Institute.

Of great emblematic value next to another chimney in the area of Taco, they represent the only two symbols of our industrial archeology that remain as a reference.

It is worth remembering that 1926 is responsible for the tram project in several phases that were among others:

The acquisition of the tram a.

The execution of the works of extension and improvement of its services.

The construction of the Tacoro section ...

Chimenea de la antigua estación del tranvía

ALEMAN, GILBERTO: Corners & Memories of Tenerife. memories of La Laguna 2003. IDEA Editions

Chimenea de la antigua estación del tranvía
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