- Bienes Muebles. Escultura -

The work belonged to the II International Exhibition of Street Sculpture. A cultural event that took place in Santa Cruz de Tenerife in 1994, organized by the Official College of Architects of the Canary Islands, in collaboration with the Island Council, City Council of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Caja Canarias, in which various works were exhibited that Even today they are in the capital of Tenerife, except for the work of 'Hombre a Caballo ' , by Fernando Botero, which was the only one returned.

Courage (Hanneke Beaumont)

In this work we see two groups of well differentiated sculptures, for a few meters distance between them. On the one hand, three figures sitting facing another figure that stands at a higher height over the other three, as is a kind of lectern. All of them are dressed as shirts, quite baggy, without ornaments of any kind and are barefoot. None seems to present hair on their heads, of thin and tall complexion, the three characters that are together, are like this expectant, trying to maybe listen to what he says or see what he does. Their looks seem somewhat lost, and their body attitude is far from the room and distanced character in that they appear tired, dropping their shoulders and arms, denote a certain amount of weariness. The support on which these three figures are, seems to be in ruins; they are the remains of something else, as are the figures that support it.


Steel and bronze cast iron


HEIGHT u2248 1.65 m.

WIDTH u2248 5.20 m.

FUND u2248 2.50 m.

Courage (Hanneke Beaumont)

Hanneke Beaumont was born in Maastricht in 1947. He began studying in 1977, with thirty years, sculpture at the Academy of Arts Braine-L Alleud and later, in 1983 at the Ecole National Superieure de la Cambre (Brussels) .In 1993, in France, participates in the International Center for Contemporary Art neo Chateau Beychevelle and receives the first prize with a work in terracotta, as it usually does, and is located in the Plaza del Prince of Asturias of Santa Cruz de Tenerife . .

MUNICIPALITY Santa Cruz de Tenerife

AREA Downtown Ifara District

ADDRESS Plaza del Pr ncipe


X 377,589.30

And 3,149,695.15

GUERRA P REZ, MI; MARRERO MORALES, M. (2017): u2018 Initiation to the study of contemporary art: art, another form of communication: international exhibition of street sculpture. Santa Cruz de Tenerife u2019, General Directorate of Educational Innovation and Planning, Canary Islands.

Beaumont, H. (sf). Hanneke Beaumont. Recovered from:

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