- Arquitectura Civil y Doméstica. S.XX y Posterior -

Property with elements of the neo-Canarian style, designed by Jos Enrique Marrero Regalado for the businessman V ctor Gonz lez. The cinema was opened in 1954.

See RUIZ RODRIGUEZ, A .: The Dark Temple. The architecture of cinema in Tenerife (1897-1992), Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 1993, page 198.

File of the Cat Logo of Architectural and Urban Heritage of the PGO Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Partial Final Approval, 2014. Vol. 3. Volume 3.2.1.

- File of the Cat Logo of Architectural and Urban Heritage of the PGO Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Partial Final Approval, 2014. Vol. 3. Volume 3.2.1.

Editorial and research team : Architecture Unit of the CICOP Foundation.

Miguel ngel Fern ndez Matr n.

Jos Luis D will read Mart nez.

Gislaine Hasse

Photograph: Jos M. Bossini Ruiz.

Facade composed of basement, mezzanine and four floors m s. Volume highlighted in the corner, forming a chafl n, topped by a tower n with a stone shield. Access from the street with glazed doors and porch with lockers. On the last floor there is a wooden balcony, covered with a roof. On the ground floor the access is lateral to the room, and the entrance is at a level higher than that of the armchair patio, the lobby is located on a mezzanine from which an imperial staircase starts towards the two floors of seats. Elements of Interest: Cinema: hall, imperial staircase, hallways and patio seats. Interior decoration: sconces, lamps, screens, rosettes, shells and jealous boxes a. Exterior: g rgolas, carpenters and covered wooden balconies. Discordant elements: Poster to advertising. Volume added to the deck.

Degree of Protection: Environmental

Catalog of Protection of Architectural and Urban Heritage.

PGO Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Partial Final Approval 2014. Sheet n 597.

MUNICIPALITY Santa Cruz de Tenerife

AREA Centro-Ifara District

ADDRESS N Av. Asuncionistas, 1; Rambla de Polido, 91

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