- Espacios Urbanos. Lugares -

Azanos is a rural town that belongs to the Anaga region in the municipality of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, and is very disturbed by modern buildings, hiding the old houses that have been immersed among them. It has traditional houses from the 16th and 17th centuries.

It is a nucleus located on a hillside within the places of Anaga, in which a spontaneous urban development is observed, without any planning in its layout, leaving traditional houses eclipsed by the blocks of current houses, that rise up to two and three stories high.

In the lower area of Azanos there is an agricultural construction, which was used as a gallan, has a square plan structure and a roof with four waters. It is provided with doors on the facades, which still retain traces of red pigments. There is also a ventilation window at the top.

In the ravine, under the road is a traditional cellar, built in red coarse and covered with a water and adintelada door. This property is attached to a rock.

In the middle area of Azanos there is a set of traditional houses of quite old type of typology to purely Canarian fully integrated into the landscape. Some old houses, including government numbers 10 and 18, present the typical models of the traditional (basic) house of the 16th and 17th centuries. They are built in rough red and their coatings show significant deterioration, revealing the stone of their walls but also their original ocher and red colors, which shows a tradition of color that today is practically obsolete and that must be very interesting to recover it to the detriment of the white color so resorted for several decades.

Carpenters have lost their pig ...

General regime of uses and interventions in the protected natural area

Processing Status

Final Approval of the Master Plan for the Use and Management of Anaga Rural Park, published on 06/03/2007 in the BOC 2007/047.

Classification: Rustic Soil

Category: Rural Rural Settlement Land

- ALMENARA ROSALES, M. (2006). u2018 STUDY AND CATALOG OF THE RURAL HERITAGE OF ANAGA, Phase I u2019, Service of control and environmental management, Bureau of Natural Areas and the Coast, City Council of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

- CIORANESCU, A. (1998). History of Santa Cruz de Tenerife . Spanish Confederation of Savings Banks.

- MART N HERN NDEZ, U. (2006). General history of the Anaga region . Idea editions.

- LUIS Y NES, MJ; SANCHEZ HERNANDEZ, JM (1995). The history of Santa Cruz de Tenerife u2019.

Editorial and research team: Architecture Unit of the CICOP Foundation.

Miguel ngel Fern ndez Matr n.

Jos Luis D will read Mart nez.

Gislane Hasse

Sendy Hern ndez lvarez.

Photograph: Jos M. Bossini Ruiz.

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