- Arquitectura Civil y Doméstica. S.XX y Posterior -

Detached house with two floors with symmetrical distribution of openings. In the central axis of the building the access door is opened and in the upper one a balcony with balusters. The windows have the same format and dimensions on the two floors and those on the upper floor are decorated with slabs. The building is finished off on a sparsely flown ledge on which a railing formed with different motifs that make up a geometric decoration sits. The lower part is covered with a kind of protective ca z. It is an ecological construction dated at the end of the 19th century or the beginning of the 20th century.

Calle del Perdón, 63

Facade of symmetrical composition, with three holes per floor aligned according to vertical axes. The access door is located on the central axis on the ground floor, and on this is a balcony on the floor. The facade consists of a z calo, two levels separated by an intermediate molding and is topped by cornice and blind wall sill and precast concrete elements on the roof. All the gaps go unframed, the windows on the upper floor have small masks under the alfiz and on the lintel an ornate dovela under the cornice.

Calle del Perdón, 63


ZONE Anaga District. Salamanca.

ADDRESS Calle del Perd n, 63.

Calle del Perdón, 63
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