- Arquitectura Civil y Doméstica. S.XX y Posterior -

Detached house arranged following the decline of the street. It consists of two floors that have a symmetrical distribution of openings, opening the access door on the central axis; on it, one of the three balconies that open on the second floor is located, the remaining two being located in the hollows of the ends. Dintelado openings are alternated with arches and all are shown decorated with moldings that in the central part have a reduced key as a key. The balconies are supported by developed dogs and have a balustrade decorated with geometric motifs. The property also has a decorative wall, and forming a parallel line with it, but in height, a cornice is drawn that gives way to the wall that corresponds to the roof, also decorated by small flat pilasters highlighted in color white, color also used to highlight a good part of the commented elements. It is an ecological construction built with probability in the late nineteenth or early twentieth century.

The plant is developed around a patio with a staircase, which is accessed through an entrance hall. Facade of symmetrical composition, with five holes per floor aligned according to vertical axes. The semicircular arch access door and a balcony above the central floor are located on the second axis. Two other balconies are located on the two outer vertical axes. The façade is composed of z calo with molding and two levels separated by an intermediate molding. It is topped by cornice and masonry sill on the roof. It has two vertical bands on the sides. The holes on the upper floor are in a lowered arch and are framed with cement moldings; those on the ground floor of straight lintels, highlighted by molding and decorated dovela at the top. Elements of interest: Entry hall. Wrought iron staircase and railing. Wood carpenters, windows and shutters. Balustrade on window sills. Access Door Upright


ZONE Anaga District. Salamanca.

ADDRESS Calle de los Sue os, 44.

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