- Patrimonio Industrial. General -

Ca n Tigre is one of the most important historical defensive weapons in the history of Spain. This artillery piece is world famous for the pica day of July 25, 1797 in the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain). According to the chronicles, that day the English admiral Horatio Nelson is about to invade the city and the archipelago, but a cannon of this piece will tear him out of his arm and his fleet sank.

The day before the attack a embrasure opened in the wall of the Castle of San Crist bal, where a low-rise can be placed to hinder the English landing on the beach that separated this castle from that of San Pedro. It is possible that, as the chronicles indicate, it was the Cann Tiger, but it is a difficult fact to demonstrate, since there were numerous cannons opening fire to prevent the English landing on the beach and the pier to invade the castle.

Although until recently the Ca n Tigre was in the Historical Military Museum of the Canary Islands, at present it can be visited at the Interpretation Center Castillo de San Crist bal located under the Plaza de Espa a in the city of Santa Cruz from Tenerife.

This large piece of artillery was cast in bronze in Seville in 1768. Its dimensions are almost 3 meters long and 13.3 cm in caliber. The rattle is spherical and has several leaves of ornament. The stove is open in the same piece, surrounded by a rosette in relief.

In the first body he wears a shield of four barracks with the arms of Castile and Le ny the legend Carolus III DG LBS-PAN. ET IND. REX

In the second body, the hands and handles that represent dolphins. The right man has the inscription: 44 QQS 62 LIBS (2053 kg) and on the left: COBs. AFINs. ILIGs (Tuned and bonded copper). In the strip of separation of the second and third body has a border with several embossed ornaments. In the third body the VIOLA TI FULMINA REG S (Rays of the Offended King) currency above, in phylacteria the name of the piece, THE TIGER and closing the broccoli another valance with equal ornaments. It is perfectly preserved and able to make fire.

u2018 When describing our canon we have said that the phrase SOLANO FECIT SEVILLA AO DE 1768 is engraved on the upper strip of the butt of the can. However, the contract signed by Solano in 1756 for a period of 10 years together with the Final recognition allows us to affirm that the cannon was cast in hollow, although the Aljudea auger was able to produce the first solid melted canons from 1758, and that it seems documentary that the horizontal auger projected by Jean Maritz to drill in s lido could produce the first ...

- TOUS MELI, J. (1999). u2018The Tiger. A ca n of a 16. History and Legend u2019, ed. Regional Military Museum of the Canary Islands and City Hall of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

- GARC A ARGUELLES, A. (1982). 'History of Artiller a in Tenerife', ed. Graphics Tenerife, Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
- Web page of the Gesta Historical-Cultural Association July 25, 1797 Retrieved from:

- HERN NDEZ, C. (2012). u2018Ca n Tigre and Admiral Nelson u2019, [Blog message]. Recovered from:

Editorial and research team: Architecture Unit of the CICOP Foundation.
Miguel ngel Fern ndez Matr n.
Jos Luis D will read Mart nez.
Sendy Hern ndez lvarez.

Photograph: Jos M. Bossini Ruiz.

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