- Arquitectura Militar. Fortificaciones -

The Battery of San Francisco has its beginnings in a small building built at the end of the 17th century in 1655, in the vicinity of the Hermitage of Our Lady of Rule, so originally take the same name.

In 1742, under the plans of the military engineer Manuel Hernandez, this initial construction was replaced. The new battery, named as San Francisco, was located exactly between the hermitage of San Telmo and the castle of San Juan Bautista, defending the beach of Los Negros, on its right flank and on the outskirts of the city in the south, in the entrance of what at that time was called Las Cruces field. It became artillery with four pieces, ordered by 16 gunners.

On the occasion of the war between Spain and Germany, between 1886 and 1893 it was rebuilt, according to the plans of the military engineer Jos Lezcano Magica, who was in charge of carrying out these reforms that consisted of the extension of its surface and conditioning to house new artiller a.

A few days later, in 1920 it was dismantled and four years later declared unsuitable for defense, so it became a warehouse in Artiller Park until 1965 at which time it was abandoned.

With the works of the great Mar Tima de Santa Cruz Avenue, the Bater a de San Francisco is submerged with the rise of the road of the new road, so that the northwest façade disappears completely under the asphalt. In turn, with the construction of the service station that gives access to Rive's loading docks and pier ...

Its constructive typology belonged to the classic military construction. Building originally enclosed by a masonry parapet, where the Siller a weapons square was previously distributed, the five hostels, rooms for the body of guard, small or depot and a shed for the artillery's shelter.

Degree of Protection: Integral.

The determinations that regulate the conditions of protection and permitted interventions of the item listed in this file, derive from the articulation of the Regulations of the Catalog of Protection of Historical Heritage and are the following:


Article 16.1 ' Protection conditions of the Integral grade '.


Article 24. ' Intervention conditions in the degree of Integral protection '.

- General Plan of Management of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Vol. 3 Volume 3.2.1-3, file n. 733

- NORIEGA AG ERO, MA (2016). u2018Fortifications of the island of Tenerife. From the tower of Azo to World War II u2019, Cabildo de Tenerife. Tenerife

- TARQUIS RODR GUEZ, P. (1965-6). u2018 Dictionary of architects, alarifes and stonecutters who have worked in the Canary Islands u2019, Madrid-Las Palmas, p gs. 496-499.

- PINTO Y DE LA ROSA, JM (1996). 'Notes for the history of the ancient fortifications of the Canary Islands', Ed. Regional Military Museum of the Canary Islands, Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

Editorial and research team: Architecture Unit of the CICOP Foundation.

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Sendy Hern ndez lvarez.

Photograph: Jos M. Bossini Ruiz.

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