- Arquitectura Militar. Fortificaciones -

Located on the Carretera de San Andr s, the Bafa a de Bufadero began its construction at the end of the 19th century, in 1897-8, between the mouths of the canyons of Bufadero and Valleseco, near the La Jurada mountain range.

It is a military construction built on the coast of the city in the north as a defensive support against any possible enemy attack from the sea from that flank. Since ancient times, a series of small surveillance and control garrisons of this part of the coastline existed at the mouth of the Bufadero ravine, but it was not until the end of the 19th century, with the resurgence of the Spanish crisis in the Caribbean and the Peaceful, when the defenses were modernized in the Islands and new ones were built. Of this time it is the battery of the Bufadero that today can almost be admired due to the state of ruin that it presents. During the Canary Islands Economic Command, the fort was restructured and provided with new services in the face of the new international situation caused by World War II. Abandoned for more than thirty years, the installation is in ruins, leaving, after the construction of the Bufadero dock and the container terminal of the port, very inland and totally out of place.

It was dismantled in 1974.

Trapezoidal plant building designed to house artillery, guard and that at the same time behaved as strong. Built in mortar bricks and with several towers that are distributed throughout its per meter.

Its eight pieces of iron and bronze belonged to the fleet of Admiral Diego de Egues, sunk in the Port of Santa Cruz after having rejected and defeated the English Admiral's squad Robert Blake. It was considered as the Second Battery Pose of Costa del RA.n.7, then called G-9 battery. The arranged channels or parts were called 240mm Ordo ez that were not assembled, entered into service in 1914 with 3 pieces of 150 / 45mm Munaiz Arg elles.

At present it is generally in a dilapidated and abandoned state. The main façade is partially demolished, after an impetuous storm that hit the capital in 2002. On the side that faces the sea, it has served for years as deposits of construction and port materials.

MUNICIPALITY Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Anaga District AREA

DIRECTION N Carretera San Andr s B, Autov a 12

Degree of Partial Protection.

The determinations that regulate the conditions of protection and permitted interventions of the item listed in this file, derive from the articulation of the Regulations of the Catalog of Protection of Historical Heritage and are the following:


Article 18.a ' Partial degree protection conditions: Building facade protection '


Article 26.1 ' Intervention conditions in the degree of partial protection '

- General Plan of Management of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Vol. 3 Volume 3.2.1-3, file n. 10.

- NORIEGA AG ERO, MA (2016). u2018Fortifications of the island of Tenerife. From the tower of Azo to World War II u2019, Cabildo de Tenerife. Tenerife

- VV.AA. (1997). u2018 San Andr s, History of a people u2019, by RODR GUEZ CABRERA, JC, in Castles of Spain, Volume I: Andalusia a. Arag n. Asturias. Balearics. Canary Islands. Cantabria. Ed. Everest, DL, Le n.

- GARC A ARGUELLES, A. (1982). History of Artiller a in Tenerife. Ed. Graphics of Tenerife, Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

- PINTO Y DE LA ROSA, JM (1996). Notes for the history of the ancient fortifications of the Canary Islands. Ed. Regional Military Museum of the Canary Islands, Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

Editorial and research team: Architecture Unit of the CICOP Foundation.
Miguel ngel Fern ndez Matr n.
Jos Luis D will read Mart nez.
Sendy Hern ndez lvarez.

Photograph: Jos M. Bossini Ruiz.

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