- Arquitectura Civil y Doméstica. Anterior al S.XX -

It is a detached house of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

Avda. 25 de Julio, 19

Two-storey building topped on a large ledge that is interrupted in the center by a lowered arch. Facade of symmetrical composition. There are three vertical bands of openings grouped in pairs, with a molded upper decoration and a unique access door in the center and lower part of the composition. In the interior hall the separation of the accesses to each unit takes place. On the last level and in the lateral sectors two attics rise. First floor balcony with wrought iron railing. Auction: cornice with designs, triangular front n in central part and side attics. Perimeter decorations in vain and thousand thousand mampuesto forming two vertical strips on the edges of the facade and basement. Elements of Interest: Woodwork, windows, shutters and doors. Molding and crowning. Iron railing in balcony and window openings

Avda. 25 de Julio, 19

MUNICIPALITY Santa Cruz de Tenerife
AREA Centro-Ifara District
ADDRESS Avda. July 25, 19

Avda. 25 de Julio, 19

Degree of Protection: Environmental Card n 486.

Catalog of Protection of Architectural and Urban Heritage. PGO Santa Cruz de Tenerife. 2014 Partial Definitive Approval.

Property included in the BIC Conjunto Hist rico Barrio de los Hoteles-Pino de Oro

Avda. 25 de Julio, 19

File of the Cat Logo of Architectural and Urban Heritage of the PGO Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Partial Final Approval, 2014. Vol. 3. Volume 3.2.1.

Editorial and research team: Architecture Unit of the CICOP Foundation.
Miguel ngel Fern ndez Matr n.
Gislaine Hasse
Jos Luis D will read Mart nez.
Sendy Hern ndez lvarez.

Photograph: Jos M. Bossini Ruiz.

Avda. 25 de Julio, 19
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