AS it will be located in a zone of high profile of S or Sebasti o, assemble on a platform three hundred meters above sea level, dominating everything or panorama of the city. A Cathedral of Cidade Velha foi a first construction of the West African coast, at the initiative of Frei Francisco da Cruz, or third bishop of Cape Verde. Ela eats to be built from 1556, at the same time, which was built or episcopal palce, now disappeared. The works were completed after sixteen years, in 1700, and in 1712 he destroyed the invasion of the French private corps led by Jacques Cassard. It is a question of a late cathedral characteristic of late retrieval composed by a nave and a double transept. The crossing of the transept mark separates or enters the ship or choir that is closest. O sanctuary and du towers of fate that enquadravam to porta principal jno existem, but the great walls remain late sim.
In architectural terms, we can verify that the Cathedral possesses a Renascentist character, a retangular plan and a single nave with a double square. Duas sineiras towers to the main gate. To greet the Renascentista grammar, we work with two songs of portas and janelas. Proeminent Embasment On the west facade, you have two loops, separated by pilasters, demarcating or Spanish or between a capela-mor ea sacristia, fenestra is of straight molding in the chant, with a comma janela com grade. Degrau na main portal in pedra epigraphic tumular. Interior of a single ship intercepted by transept with two sections and lateral capelas on each side two sides of the transept, capela-mor of great depth with three canes in the capital chant or on each side and a beveled molding portal with an oblong on the direct side, sacristy of a rectangular floor plan parede fundeira da capela-mor. (SIPA-DGPC)
CONCELHO Ribeira Grande de Santiago LOCATION Cidade Velha ENDERE OR S or Sebasti or
Self-supporting singing walls. Local basalt; lime argamassa a rea em pasta from Portugal; pozolana da Ilha de Santo Ant o; areia briada da Ilha de Santiago and areia branca da Ilha de Maio. (SIPA-DGPC)
IPPC: 1989 - intervening is archeological to recover elements for or its restoration; INAC / IPPC: 1991/1992/1993 - second phase two archaeological work onde foram exposed some graves, among them to 1 resident resident in Cape Verde, D. Jo or Parvi, who was initially buried in the church of Nossa Senhora do Ros Rio; IPPAR / IIPCCV: 2003, Maio - 1. phase - in two work of consolidation and consolidation, which are ruled by the collapse of imminent collapse; 2004, 26 of Fevereiro - reception or provision of consolidation works or, consisting of elevations or contrafortes, where there are still walls in the meantime disappeared, in the Alvenari de Pedra unique for the travament of existing walls that are out of order; enchimento of lacunas da mesma alvenaria and other technical consolidation; two . phase - the responsibility of the architect Siza Vieira - restoration of the surrounding area with the objective of opening public visits and allowing to carry out or certifying events of cultural nature; reposi o do antigo adro ea constru o of an interpreter center or. (SIPA-DGPC)
A Cathedral of S faz part of the historic group of Cidade Velha declared World Patrimony of Humanity in 2009, by UNESCO.
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