El Rosario
- Arquitectura Civil y Doméstica. Anterior al S.XX -

Very close to the Hermitage of Machado and next to the road, there is this large manor house, also wrapped in mystery, known in the payment as Casa del Pirata or Rosario. It is, in effect, a construction different from the others. Unfortunately it is currently in a complete state of ruin since the disappearance of its last owner D. Felipe Trujillo. The legends about its mysterious owner and thinking about the existence of a hidden treasure in it, made people from all over the island go to the place with the intention of discovering it, looting and destroying the existing building.

The last inhabitant who lived in the house was Mr. Felipe Trujillo, who was born there in 1878, receiving it under the inheritance of Juana Trujillo Mena, who acquired it with his estate from Jos Gonz lez de Mesa that he owned in the jurisdiction of La Laguna payment of the Rosary, a hacienda named Tori or that was awarded to him in a share practiced in the assets left by the death of Amaro Gonz lez de Mesa and Ana Rodriguez Felipe, paying a tribute to Captain Amaro Rodr guez Felipe de Barrios, founder of this tribute to public notary.

Previously, the said hacienda named Tori o, had it as undivided and without leaving Juan G mez Ca izares, which was split in half according to the deed that was made, before Lucas Rodr guez Sarmiento for the month of October 1585 , year of the Lord.

Casa de los Mesa o Casa del Rosario

REIG RIPOLL, CONCEPCI: Historical and Artistic Memory of the Hermitage of Our Lady of the Rosary and the House of the Pirate or House of Los Mesa. 1982 text.

NU EZ DE LA PE A, Conquest and Antiquities of the Canary Islands. 1676

DIAZ NU EZ, AGUSTIN: Chronological Memory of the Religion in the Canary Islands. Madrid 1865

TORRES CAMPOS, R .: Characters of the Conquest of the Canary Islands. Speech before the Royal Academy of History 1901.

RODRIGUEZ MOURE: History of the devotion of the Canarian people to Our Lady of Candelaria

TARQUIS, MIGUEL - VIZCAYA, ANTONIO: Documents for the History of Art in the Canary Islands. Canary Studies Institute 1959.

ESPINOSA, AGUSTIN: History of the Virgin of Candelaria. Seville 1594

SERRA RAFOLS, E: Article published in the newspaper La Tarde de Santa Cruz de Tenerife on January 31, 1962, commenting on some of the agreements of the First Book of agreements of the Cabildo de Tenerife. 1518

CATALAN RAMOS, J. - D AZ EXP SITO, JL: The Rosary. A Singular History Illustrious City Hall of the Rosary. 2001

Casa de los Mesa o Casa del Rosario

According to the description provided by Reig Ripoll Concepcion who had the opportunity to know the house in good condition, it responded to the following description:

On the facade a hole without doors gave access to a patio on whose sides there were dilapidated rooms (now demolished), which were used as pens to enclose the cattle of its inhabitants. In the background there was a part in which two floors were raised with wooden floors. In one of them, the one facing the sea exists in a more comfortable room than the others with coffered ceilings similar to those of the Hermitage, which led to the assumption that it was of the same time and that perhaps the same men will work in its construction. The room mentioned, has a large window from which the entire bay is dominated and, according to the neighbors, is where the Pirate surveyed the ships when they appeared on the horizon.

Casa de los Mesa o Casa del Rosario

Famous in his time was wrapped in the veils of popular fantasy.

Interesting is the story made to Concepci n Reig Ripoll in 1962, the late Mr. Felipe Trujillo Trujillo, who lived at that time in the House of the Rosary or the Pirate.

Summing up his story to the fullest, Concepcion Reig came to the conclusion that the Pirate emerged by fleeing from his father's ill-treatment. After escaping from his home and heading to the port of Santa Cruz, where after many vicissitudes, he managed to embark on one of the many ships that at that time were engaged in piracy, beginning a random life typical of this kind of navigators. Apparently he got rich after many and risky adventures. According to Mr. Felipe Trujillo, Amaro was Catholic and charitable. He looted the other pirates but did not steal from poor people and do charity work; He frequently visited his aunt Sister Teresa of Jesus in the convent of the Claras nuns in La Laguna, where he carried large amounts of money and money.

I was very persecuted but always escaped justice. With his business he became rich and acquired many properties in Punta del Hidalgo. later Sondalgo was declared, obtaining a certificate of nobility and weapons in Madrid.

All his assets went to the hands of his niece Ana Josefa Rodr guez Felipe, which suggests that he left no children.

Maria Rosa Alonso in a study on the pirate, describes him as a good man, Christianly buried in a grave that his parents bought in the ...

The Official Bulletin of the Canary Islands -BOC 1999/134 _ Wednesday, October 6, 1999 - 03539 publishes ANNOUNCEMENT of August 5, 1999, which publishes the Resolution of July 13, 1999, which rectifies the resolution of April 26, 1996, related to the delimitation of the Cultural Interest Church of Our Lady of the Rosary and House of the Pirate Amaro Pargo, in the municipality of Rosario, in the sense of adding annexes III and IV that accompanying the aforementioned Resolution, relating to the delimitation and the description of the good object of such file, respectively.

This delimitation is justified by understanding it as the visual and environmental environment of the good to be protected.

The interest that has prevailed at the time of establishing this delimitation has been to protect its environment from any alteration of the existing conditions in its perception, as well as the character that surrounds it, trying to preserve the good of any action that could directly or indirectly affect historical, cultural, etc. values. and always following the provisions set forth in the application legislation.

the desirability of denominating the particularity of the Good, Historic Site, according to a report issued by the Council of Historical Heritage of the town hall of Tenerife, is because, it is not only necessary to assess its architectural or engineering elements, but it is a place linked to events and memories of the past, with the change being understood to protect the whole complex: House, Hermitage and section of the old road that went from The lagoon ...

Casa de los Mesa o Casa del Rosario
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